SECTION 1: Nouns and Pronouns, Verbs (auxiliary verbs), Adverbs and Adjectives, Prepositions and Conjunctions, Articles, Word power (Singular-plural, Gender, Spell, Odd one, Homophones), Synonyms and antonyms, Question formation (Wh and Q. tags), Sentence formation (Jumbled words), Tenses - Present, past and future, Punctuations and Contractions, Express yourself(Spoken and written), Comprehension (Stories and Poetry)
SECTION 2: Critical Solving Questions as per Section 1
SECTION 3: Alphabet Test, Number Series, Analogy and Classification, Ranking Test, Logical Sequence of Word and Letter, Coding-Decoding, Paper Folding and Cutting, Blood Relations, Direction sense test, Mirror image, Geometrical shapes, Grouping, Embedded Days and Dates and possible