SECTION 1: Nouns and Pronouns, Verbs (Trans and Intrans) and Adverbs, Adjectives (Degree of comparison), Prepositions and Conjunctions, Tenses (Regular-Irregular verb, Past and Participle), Word power (Synonyms-Antonyms, Analogy, 1-word subs, Spelling, Homophones, Homonyms and Homograms), Idioms and Phrases, Types of a sentence (Ass, Int, Imp, Excl), PUNCTUATIONS, Sentence formation (Jumbled words and sentences), Voice and Speech, Express yourself(Spoken and written), Comprehension (Stories and Poetry), Composition (Rearranging the sentences)
SECTION 2: Critical Solving Questions as per Section 1
SECTION 3: Analogy, Mirror and Water Images, Direction sense, Ranking, Puzzle, Coding-Decoding, Venn Diagram, Series, Blood Relations, Figure Matrix, Mathematical Operations, Alphabet test, Cubes and Dice