SECTION 1: Grammar exercise (Facts, Opinions, Proverbs, Articles, Preposition, Sentence formation-sequencing, punctuation, Nouns, pronouns and determiners), Tenses (All), Word power (Synonyms-Antonyms, Meanings in One line, Analogy, 1-word subs, Spelling, Homophones, Homonyms, Homograms and Anagrams), Clauses, Infinitive, Participle and Gerund, Modal and auxiliary verbs, Types of a sentence (Simple, compound and Complex), Transformation of sentences (All), Figures of Speech, IDIOMS AND PHRASES, Express yourself(Spoken and written), Comprehension (Stories and Poetry), Composition (Rearranging the sentences), Sequencing (Stories and Events)
SECTION 2: Critical Solving Questions as per Section 1
SECTION 3: Series Completion and Alphabet Number, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Direction sense, Logical Venn Diagram, Puzzle, Mathematical Operations, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror and Water Images, Embedded Figures and Figure Formation, Figure Matrix, Ranking